[Singapore]Online Seminar
Human Rights Due Diligence: Best Practices of Japanese Companies
Organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
[参加費] 無料
現地時間 |
登壇者 | テーマ |
14:00~14:05 |
司会者にて進行 |
開始のご案内 |
14:05~14:10 |
在シンガポール日本国大使館 |
開会挨拶 |
14:10~14:15 |
シンガポール経営者連盟(SNEF) |
挨拶 |
14:15~14:45 |
三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング株式会社 |
ビジネスと人権とは、最近の動向 |
14:45~15:15 |
味の素株式会社 |
取組事例紹介 |
15:15~15:45 |
株式会社三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループ | 取組事例紹介 |
15:45~16:00 |
登壇者全員 |
質疑応答 |
- 反社会的勢力に該当すると認められる場合はお申込を受付することができません。
- お申込多数の場合、参加人数の調整をお願いすることがございます。
- 止むを得ない事情により、予告なくプログラムに変更が生じる場合がございます。御了承のうえ御参加ください。
- 録音、撮影、キャプチャ、スクリーンショットは御遠慮ください。

[Information in English]
Seminar Outline
In recent years, amid increasing international call for companies to respect human rights, there has been a trend in various countries to develop national action plans on ‘business and human rights’ and to promote the widespread adoption of human rights due diligence, particularly among North American and European countries. In addition, the protection and promotion of human rights is positioned as an important aspect of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Japanese Government has also been encouraging corporate efforts to respect human rights by developing the National Action Plan (NAP) in 2020, as well as the Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains in 2022. This seminar aims to further accelerate the adoption of due diligence with respect to human rights.
For Singapore
[Date/Time]January 21, Tuesday, 2025
14:00-16:00 (Singapore time)/ 15:00-17:00 (Japan time)
[Method]Online (Zoom)
[Language]Japanese/English (Simultaneous interpretation)
[Participation Fee]Free of charge
Program (Tentative)
Local Time |
Speakers |
Theme |
14:00~14:05 |
Moderator |
General seminar information |
14:05~14:10 |
Embassy of Japan in Singapore |
Opening Remarks |
14:10~14:15 |
Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) |
Welcome Remarks |
14:15~14:45 |
Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. |
What is “Business and Human Rights”?, |
14:45~15:15 |
Ajinomoto Co., Inc. |
Case study |
15:15~15:45 |
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. |
Case study |
15:45~16:00 |
All Speakers | Q&A Session |
How to Participats
This seminar will be held online (Zoom). Please register your information from the application URL or QR code below. After we receive your application, an invitation e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail address by the day of seminar date. Please contact the office if you do not receive the e-mail.
Points to Note When Applying/Participating
- Applications will not be accepted from persons or entities who are deemed to fall under antisocial forces.
- If we receive an unexpectedly large number of applications, there is a possibility that we may ask you to adjust the number of participants accordingly.
- Please note that changes to the program may occur without advance notice due to unavoidable circumstances. We thank you for your understanding.
- Please refrain from recording, photographing, and taking screen captures and screenshots of the seminar.
Please register your information from the URL or QR code below.
Registration has closed.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS)
Project Promotion Group, Global Connectivity Department,
AOTS Research Institute
PIC:Kanda, Furuhashi, Yoshida, Matsuda