FAQ for Management Programs (Eligible or not?)

Q. Applicant(s) is/ are 19 year old university student(s). Can he/she apply?

A. In principle, AOTS trainings are intended for those who is/are more than 20 years old and over. Management Programs are open for those who are university graduates and/ or have equivalent professional experience.

Q. What level of language is required for the training?

A. High working knowledge of the language, which the program is conducted in. The ability to discuss is given great importance in our screening process.

Q. Applicant(s) have (a) chronic illness. Can he/she apply for the training in Japan?

A. Management programs must be taken under controlled conditions with medication to undergo an intensive training program in Japan. A doctor's findings may be necessary. For more details, contact us.

Q. Applicant(s) is/are from the country of ODA list,  but currently live in non-ODA country. Can he/she apply?

A. No. AOTS subsidized programs are for those who are residing in the developing countries and/or regions shown in Program Outline.

Q. Applicant(s) belong(s) to personnel in the ministry/armed forces. Is he/she eligible for applying?

A. No. *Ministry/armed forces personnel is not allowed to participate in our subsidized programs. *Ministry officials may be acceptable subject to conditions. Contact us.

Q. Applicant(s) once joined the AOTS training program. Can he/she apply again?

A. It depends on his/her training record. Former participants of AOTS training programs (ODA-funded and CRTP programs) organized in Japan are not entitled to apply for any program which starts within six months (183 days) after they have returned.

Q. Our company would like to send our employee(s) for the program, but there is no AOTS Alumni Association in our country/region. How can we apply?

A. It depends on your county/region. Contact us.