What is “New Global Cooperation” ?
AOTS has been offering new global cooperation (NGC) programs to meet various requests from overseas especially in emerging and developing countries based on AOTS’s 60 years of experience in human resource development and the global network cultivated by our work. Different from our regular programs, which are subsidized or entrusted by the Japanese government, NGC programs are executed on a self-financed basis.
Our seminars feature Japan’s advanced technologies related to such areas as the environment and renewable energy. Also topics related to the kaizen method and quality control, and Japanese companies’ achievements in these areas are regularly featured in lectures.
NGC has been offering opportunities to participants from overseas to communicate with Japanese companies, and in a flexible matter to meet various needs.
Through NGC programs, we are aiming at contributing to the further mutual development of both countries' human resource development. NGC also offers programs to upgrade Japanese business persons’ understanding of globalization.
If you have any requests on global human resource development, NGC will be of some help to you in this area.

Various site visits are arranged for seminars.
Please refer “List of Seminars” page for more information.
Global Connectivity Department
Project Promotion Group
TEL : +81-3-3888-8215 FAX : +81-3-3888-8264